2000 - 2024

Java User Group München

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sponsored by 2:team new media GmbH




Sofern bei der Veranstaltung nichts anderes angegeben ist:
Zeit: Beginn 19:00 (Einlass i. d. R. ab 18:30)

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

Siehe auch Meetup https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Java-User-Group-Munchen-JUGM/


Du möchtest einen Vortrag bei JUGM halten?

Wir freuen uns über eine Nachricht an ah@jugm.de von dir.


Nächste Meetings:


Practical aspects of persistence and Clean Architecture

Daniel Istvan Buza

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

Over a decade has passed since Robert C Martin posted and article about Clean Architecture, making the concept a frequently discussed topic. Still, most the discussions are limited to the theoretical background, and not necessarily paying attention to the practical details of implementation. This session places the main focus on how theoretical decisions can influence the actual source code and how language features can be utilized to improve the quality of implementation. Furthermore, a non-standard property-based way of defining persistence API is also to be discussed. Slides are accompanied by several source code examples too.


Fail again, fail better! Automated tests beyond unit-tests

Daniel Istvan Buza

Ort: Hotel Eden-Wolff, Arnulfstraße 4, 80335 München

Automated testing is a large topic, which drives us way beyond unit-test. In this session the technical details of various solutions, as well as lessons learned are to be presented. The session includes a summary about end-to-end tests based on Junit and Playwright and acceptance tests based on Junit, using Spring Boot Tests, Playwright, Cucumber and embedded MongoDB. The second approach also includes lessons about the challenge of setting up a full-featured Frontend-Backend pair in a CICD pipeline, and also led to various learnings about mocking different external dependencies (such as S3, Kafka, REST-APIs). The aim of the presentation is to share the practical experiences and compare the benefits and challenges of different approaches.




nach oben

Wiki der JUGM


Am 12.07.2012 fand mit ca. 40 Teilnehmern das Gründungstreffen der Softwerkskammer München statt. Link siehe unten.

Homepage zum Buch:

Besuchen Sie auch:

Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) - Regionalgruppe München

Interessenverbund der Java User Groups e.V.

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JUGM Job-Börse